21 September 2010

blitz trips

Had some prime moments these past few days ... from one end of the USA to the next.  5 days later, 5 states covered, 3 time zones travelled in, and 8 flights in total, I had quite the experience!  

Blitz Trip #1
Went on a two-night excursion to Santa Ana, New Mexico with my mom, aunt, & sister.  There, we golfed a 'bit', took in some rays, ate, ate, and ate, did many-a-puzzles (our family loves crosswords/sudokus/you name it!), s'mored-it-up under the stars ... just enjoyed our surroundings.

Hyatt Tamaya brand

Sisters ....

... Sisters!

gotta love that sky!

As for blitz trip #2 ... pictures coming!

pic pix: all shots taken awhile our stay at the Tamaya Hyatt, 18.Sept.2010


brittany danae said...

WE WENT GOLFING!!!! we are amazing sista :) love the pix!!! you are wonderful, don't forget that! I loved going on that trip with you and mom and auntie, so glad we made it happen ... and i love you too! xoxo
ps booooo i miss it already :(

Anonymous said...

Oh Sarah!

What an amazing trip... or trips I might add. Thank you for sharing! As always, your descriptive story-telling ways always leave me wanting to read another one of your posts! *ahem* so with all your free time, if you could please arrange for more.

Respectfully yours,

Sara. Arsenault. Your other sister. ^_<


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